Paid personal leave is intended to give you paid time out of the office to attend to personal matters. During the orientation and training period, you do not earn personal leave.
Notice of Absence:
If you are using personal leave for leisure time, kindly give two weeks notice.
If you’re going to be absent for an illness or injury, we appreciate as much advance notice as possible. At a minimum, you must notify us of your absence no later than 1 hour before the start of the workday. If circumstances are such that you cannot personally notify us, please have a relative or other responsible individual handle that for you within the required time frame. Failure to follow this procedure will void the claim for paid personal leave and can be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination.
During an absence because of illness, you are to notify us daily of progress unless
otherwise agreed upon.
Please give us advance notice of your return to work after a personal leave absence so that
we can manage the schedule and staff accordingly.
Notice of Absence:
If you are using personal leave for leisure time, kindly give two weeks notice.
If you’re going to be absent for an illness or injury, we appreciate as much advance notice as possible. At a minimum, you must notify us of your absence no later than 1 hour before the start of the workday. If circumstances are such that you cannot personally notify us, please have a relative or other responsible individual handle that for you within the required time frame. Failure to follow this procedure will void the claim for paid personal leave and can be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination.
During an absence because of illness, you are to notify us daily of progress unless
otherwise agreed upon.
Please give us advance notice of your return to work after a personal leave absence so that
we can manage the schedule and staff accordingly.